Myogenetix Myo PCT-PRO ,45 Servings

Rs. 5,000.00 Rs. 1,785.00 SAVE Rs. 3,215.00
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Flavors: Havana Club Mojito

Havana Club Mojito

Halt nutrition also provide Pan-India services under which you just have to place an order through our exclusive online store. We will bring the best quality health and nutrition supplements to your doorstep.

MYOPCTPRO® is an all natural, scientifically superior PCT powerhouse that protects your liver and kidneys, detoxifies the entire body, balance your hormones by rebounding endogenous testosterone, inhibits levels of cortisol (the most destructive anti-catabolic hormone known to an athlete), regulates your blood pressure and blocks estrogen so that you can recover, train & compete at the highest level, consistently. If you’re like many hardcore bodybuilders, you always aim to compete in several bodybuilding shows over an extended period of time and constantly implement aggressive cycles (consisting of SARM’s, prohormones, peptides, anabolic/androgenic steroids & supplements) because you know they can lead to impressive increases in size, strength & vascularity and you can never be big enough, right? But watch out – those gains may disappear if you don’t use MYOPCTPRO®!

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Havana Club Mojito